
2019-11-19 11:09:47 来源:甘肃中公教育

51. price n. 价格;代价

at a high /low price at a price of two dollars

per kilo

at any price 不惜一切代价

52. prison n. prisoner n. take sb prisoner 俘虏某人

53.◎process 过程;步骤,流程;工序,工艺流程;加工,处理;冲印

mental processes 思维过程

We’re in the process of selling our house. 正在

the ageing process 老化过程

It’s a normal part of the learning process. 那是学习过程中的正常现象。

manufacturing processes 制造方法

Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.加工过

processed cheese 加工好的奶酪

I sent three rolls of film away to be processed. 我送了三个胶卷去冲印。

It will take a week for your application to be

processed .


54.◎product 产品,制品;结果,产物

meat product

The child is the product of a broken home.


Production 生产,制造;产量;上映,上演,播出,制作

car production

a decline / an increase in production

a new production of “King Lear”

He wants a career in film production.他想从事电影制作。

55. ◎profit

make a profit 获利 The company made a

health profit on the deal.

at a profit 可以获利 We should be able to sell

the house at a profit.

profit by / from sth 获益,得到好处;对某人有益

Farmers are profiting from the new law.

Many local people believe the development will

profit them.

56. progress n. 进步;进展 (不可数) v.进展;进行

make much/ great/ rapid / progress in sth 在某方面取得很大进步

in progress 在进行中

Work on the new road is progressing slowly.

57. ●prohibit vt 禁止,阻止

prohibit sth prohibit sb from doing sth

In the past, the citizens were prohibited from

traveling abroad.

prohibition 禁令 =ban

58. promise c/n 诺言 v. 许诺;有…可能

1) make /keep/ carry out / break a promise

2) This year promises to be another good one for


3) a promising pianist (有前途的)

4) A heavy snow promises a good harvest.瑞雪兆丰年

59. ●promote vt 促进,宣传,提升

1).policies to promote economic growth

2).The band has gone on tour to promote their new


promotion n


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