
2019-11-19 11:04:41 来源:甘肃中公教育

41. ●pray v. prayer n 祷告,祈祷的内容

1).They knelt down and prayed .

2).She prayed to God for an ending to her


3).We prayed that she would recover from her


4).We are praying for good weather on Saturday.

5).My prayer is that one day he will walk again.

42. ●predict v 预言,预见

1).Nobody can predict the outcome.

2).It is impossible to predict what will happen.

3).She predicted that the election result would be


43. ●preference n

1).Many people expressed a strong preference for

the original plan.

2).give (a) preference to sb/sth 给….以优惠或优待

Preference should be given to graduates of this


3). in preference to 而不是

She was chosen in preference to her sister.

44. prepare vt. 准备,使…做准备

prepare a piece of paper for the diction 为…准备…

prepare sb for sth 使某人为…做准备

be (well) prepared for sth/to do sth (表状态)

make preparations for 为…做准备

in preparation for 为…做准备 (作状语)

The teacher prepared the students for the exam.

45. present adj. 现在的;出席的;在场的 n.礼物v. 呈现;介绍;赠送

be present at the meeting

He presented the report to the headmaster.

46. ●preserve v 保持,保存,保护,维持,维护,保养,保鲜

1).He was anxious to preserve his reputation.

2).Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.

3).This is a perfectly preserved 14th -century house.

4).Is she really 60? She’s remarkably well


5).The vegetables should be preserved in the fridge.

6).The society was set up to preserve endangered

species from extinction.

47. ●press v/n 压,按,贴,催促 新闻界,出版社

1).The story was reported in the press and on


2).The press was/were not allowed to attend the


3).The dictionary was published in Oxford

University Press.

4).She pressed her face against the window.

5).They are pressing us to make a quick decision.

48.◎pressure 压力;心理压力;紧张;承受着某事的压力

air / water pressure

She was unable to attend because of the pressure of

the work.

pressure sb into sth/doing sth

Don’t let yourself be pressured into making a hasty



under pressure 被迫

The director is under increasing pressure to resign.

The team performs well under pressure.


49. pretend v. pretend to do

50. ●prevent vt 预防,阻止

1). Prevent sb/sth from doing

Nothing would prevent him from speaking out

against injustice.

2).Prevention is better than cure.

3).We should take some preventive action to avoid

the diseases.


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