
2019-11-19 11:00:43 来源:甘肃中公教育

21. ◎ personal a. (belonging or relating to one

particular person, rather

than to other people)

one's personal view/opinion 个人观点

personal possessions/property/belongings 私人物品/财产/所有物

for personal use 供个人使用

take a personal interest in sth 私下对某物感兴趣

personal experience 亲身经历

22. ◎ persuade v.说服,劝说

persuade sb to sth=persuade sb into doing sth

persuade sb not to do sth=persuade sb out of


使相信 I persuaded him of the truth.=I persuaded

him that it was true.

I am persuaded of his innocence.=I am

persuaded that he is innocent.

23. ◎ physical a.身体的,物理的

physical education 体育 physical

training 身体训练

a physical examination 体检 physical labor


the physical world 物质世界 a physical

change 物理变化

24. pick v. 采集,挑选 pick apples

短语:pick on sb. 找某人的茬儿 pick

out 选出,辨认出

pick up

1) She soon picked up some French while she

was staying in Paris.

2) My radio can pick up VOA very clearly.

3) He picked up many bad habits while in prison.

4) At the next corner, the bus stopped and picked

up three more people.

5) Her health soon picked up after a few days’


25. ●pin n/v pinned pinning v. n.(c) 别针

1).a diamond pin 一枚钻石胸针

2).A message had been pinned to the notice


a note pinned to the door

26. pity n. 怜悯,同情;可惜

1)have /take pity on 2) What a pity!

3) out of pity

27. plan (planned, planning) vt. /n 计划

1) plan to do sth 2) plan for the future

3) make a plan for

28. please v. 请;使 高兴;喜欢 愿意

pleased adj. 高兴的 满意的

pleasure n. 高兴 愉快

pleasant adj. 令人愉快的

1) The performance ________ the audience.

2) Come and stay as long as you ________.

3) We are ________ with his work.

4) There was a _______ look on his face.

5) a pleasant surprise

29. point n, 点;分数;要点;特征;意义

1) the boiling /freezing point

2) He reached a point in his career _____ she

needed to decide what to do.

3) That’s the point _____ I want to make.

4) one’s stront points and weak points

5) There is no point (in) doing sth. 这样做毫无意义。

v. 指,指向 point to /at /out

※ off the point 离题 to the point 切题

30. poor (poorer, poorest) adj 贫穷的;贫瘠的;可怜的;差的

1) be poor /rich in natural resources 2) a poor fellow

3) a poor memory 4) be poor in health


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