
2019-11-19 10:58:10 来源:甘肃中公教育

11. pass vt. 传递 经过 通过

pass away 去世 pass by 经过 路过

12. past adj 过去的;前任的 a past president (前任总统)

n. 过去 in the past

adv. 经过 run/ walk past

prep. 过 He is past sixty

13. ◎patience n.容忍;耐心 have (no) patience with

sb (不)能宽恕

lose one’s patience with sb; be out of patience

with sb 对某人失去耐心

14. patient n.病人 adj.耐心的 be patient


15. pay (paid, paid) v. 支付 n. 工资

1)pay (sb) … for sth 2) pay off

3) pay back 4) pay a visit to

5) get paid The workers get paid by the month.

16. people n. (c) 人们;民族;人民

1)people of all walks of life 各界人士

2) The Chinese are a hard –working people.

3) He lived for the people and died for the people.

17. percent n. 百分之….. 70 percent of the

students are…

18. ●perform v. 表演,履行,行动,运作

1).She performs an important role in our


2).This operation has never been performed in this


3).A computer can perform many tasks at once .

4).The play was first performed in 1987.

5).The company has been performing poorly over

the past year .

performer performance

19. ◎permission n.允许,许可,同意

ask/request/apply for permission 申请许可

get/obtain/receive permission 获得批准

with/without one’s permission (未)经某人许可

20. permit (permitted, permitting) vt. 许可,允许n. 许可证

permit sth/doing sth permit sb to do

1).Cell phones are not ______in our school.

2).We don’t permit _______(smoke) in the office.

3).I’ll come tomorrow, if weather _______.

I’ll come tomorrow, weather _________.

4).She took my bike without ___________.

5). Do you have a parking ___________?(执照)


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