121. 谁来做这项工作将由党委决定。
【答案】【译文】Who is going to do the job will be decided by the Party committee.
122. 我们努力学习是很重要的。
【答案】【译文】It is important that we should study hard
123. 他说他赢了这场比赛。
【答案】【译文】He said that he won the game.
124. 我告诉你汤姆昨天赢了这场比赛。
【答案】【译文】I tell you that Tom won the game yesterday.
125. 他觉得帮助别人是他的责任。
【答案】【译文】He feels it his duty to help others.
126. 我在想你现在在做什么。
【答案】【译文】I am thinking of what you are doing now.
127. 对不起,我忘记买牛奶了。
【答案】【译文】I am sorry that I forgot to buy the milk.
128. 这就是他生我气的原因。
【答案】【译文】That’s why he got angry with me.
129. 我们听到了我们队赢了的消息。
【答案】【译文】We heard the news that our team had won.
130. 他成为医生可能是由于他父亲的影响。
【答案】【译文】That he became a doctor may have been due to his father’s influence.