
2023-11-28 10:46:15 来源:中公专升本

116. 面对这样复杂的问题,他一筹莫展。


【译文】Faced with / Facing such a complicated problem, he was at a loss how to solve it/ what to do.


117. 好教师总是鼓励学生独立思考。


【译文】Good teachers often encourage their students to think for themselves.


118. 网上购物受到越来越多年轻人的喜欢。


【译文】Online shopping is becoming popular with more and more young people/youngsters.


119. 据报道,暴风雨极有可能在未来的24小时内到达本市。


【译文】It is reported that the storm is likely to reach this city in the next 24 hours.


120. 直到20世纪初,人类才开始探索太空。


【译文】It was not until the beginning of the 20th century that man began to explore the outer space


121. 汤姆非常喜欢读书,每周都去书店。


【译文】Tom loves reading so much that he goes to the bookstore every week


122. 不管他们是谁,都得对这次事故负责。


【译文】Whoever they are, they should take responsibility for the accident.


123. 在会议上,政府提倡男女就业机会平等。


【译文】At the conference, the government advocated equal employment opportunities for men and women.


124. It is well known that China is a great country with a long history.




125. Other problems will also be discussed by the participants.




126. Shopping online is very popular among college students these years.




127. Please contact the manager if you have any questions or needs after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and throughout weekends.




128. Don’t try to climb that big mountain unless you are sure you can do it in safety.




129. Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with right now.




130. Although he is a green hand, he has enterprise and creativity which are decisive in winning success in the field.






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