
2019-08-13 16:20:09 来源:中公专升本




  2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。

  Part I Reading Comprehension (60 marks, 60 minutes)

  Section A ( 50 marks: 2 marks for each item )

  Format I

  Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1.

  Passage One

  Question 1to 5 are based on the following passage:

  To hear most recent research tell it, coffee is a miracle drink. The magic beans will prevent skin cancer and Alzheimer’s (老年痴呆症), reduce heart failure and diabetes (糖尿病) risk, height focus, and even protect liver health. The miracle drink even decreases suicide risk, according to the newest study that justifies our coffee addictions.

  According to a study performed by Harvard School of Public Health and published this month in The Word Journal of Biological Psychiatry, people who drink two to four cups of coffee each day are less likely to commit suicide than those who don’t drink coffee, drink decaf, or drink fewer than two cups each day. The study followed over 200,000 people for at least 16 years. And it’s not just a weak link: the researchers found that the suicide risk was cut by around 50 percent coffee addicts.

  This isn’t the first time that researchers have discovered that coffee and smiles might go hand in hand. A 2011 study found that women who drink coffee cut their risk of depression by 15 percent compared to those who don’t. Michel Lucas, the head researcher of the most recent study, told The Huffington Post that coffee addicts can thank caffeine for the good news. The drug may actually act like a mild anti-depression by adjusting levels of happy hormones.

  Of course, there’s plenty of research out there that doesn’t look so kindly upon coffee drinkers. Recently, the New Yorker published an article arguing that while coffee may heighten focus, it also puts a squeeze on creativity. And of course, coffee’s well-known negative effects like insomnia (失眠症) and disturbed sleep cycles still hold.

  Regardless, we’ll raise our mugs to this most recent study for justifying our coffee addictions once again.

  1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible benefit of drinking coffee?

  A. Reducing heart failure risks B. Protecting liver health

  C. Prevent skin cancer D. Improving eyesight


  【解析】细节题。根据第一段喝咖啡可以prevent skin caner, reduce heart failure, liver health.运用排除法所以选D:improving eyesight。提高视力不是喝咖啡的好处。

  2. According to a study performed by the Harvard School of Public Health, people are less likely to commit suicide if they _______ .

  A. drink fewer than two cups of coffee each day

  B. drink more than four cups of coffee each day

  C. drink two to four cups of coffee each day

  D. don’t drink any coffee each day


  【解析】细节题根据第二段第二行people who drink two or four cups of coffee each day are less likely to commit suicide可知每天喝两四杯咖啡的人自杀的可能性较小,所以选C。

  3. The reason why coffee can cut the suicide risk lies in that_______?

  A. it can heighten focus B. it can cure skin cancer

  C. it may help to prevent depression D. it may make people less creative


  【解析】细节题。根据第三段倒数第二行the drug may... happy hormones 可知,这种药物通过调节快乐激素的水平,实际上可以起到轻度抗抑郁的作用,故答案选C。

  4. One of the negative effects of coffee is that it _______ .

  A. cost a lot of money B. disturbs sleep

  C. make people fat D. cause coffee addictions


  【解析】细节题。根据倒数第二段倒数第二行coffee's well known negative effects like insomnia and disturbed sleep cycles still hold喝咖啡的负面效果包括失眠和打乱睡眠规律,所以选B。

  5. What might be the writer’s attitude toward coffee drinking?

  A. Positive B. hostile C. Indifferent D. Tough


  【解析】态度观点题。通读全文可知都在讲喝咖啡的好处,只有最后提了下喝咖啡的缺点,但整体的态度是肯定的。选A:positive。Hostile 敌对的 indifferent漠不关心的,无关紧要的 tough难的。

  Passage Two

  Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

  Polar bears are classified as marine mammals (哺乳动物), like a seal or a whale, which might come as a surprise given that they’re usually picture on hand. But polar bears spend a lot of their time in the waters of the Arctic (北极), fishing or swimming among the sea ice. They may look awkward in the water, but no creature with paws is a better swimmer.

  They’d better be. Arctic sea ice is declining fast, robbing the polar bear of its prime habitat and forcing them to swim longer and longer distances to reach solid ground. No other animal seems to be such a direct victim of warming, which is one reason why the polar bear has emerged as symbol of climate change. (Another is that they look so cute and cuddly.) It’s a simple narrative to grasp: carbon warms the climate, Arctic sea ice melts and baby polar bears drown.

  But it turns out it might not be that simple. A new study by scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey(USGS)underscores the fact that polar bears really are amazing swimmers. In fact they are so good that biologists were able to document 50 swims that cover an average length of 96 miles. The research provides clues that polar bears may be able to keep treading (踩) water even as climate change melts their habitat.

  The researchers published their work in the Canadian Journal of Zoology. The followed 52 female polar bears in the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska from 2004 to 2009, using radio collars that could track the movements of the animals. They then compared the paths taken by the bears with maps of shifting sea ice over the same period time, and found that the polar bears were world-class marathon swimmers. And those long, long dips in the ocean weren’t outliers -while the really long-distance swims were relatively rate, 38% of the bears surveyed took at least one such marathon swim.

  6. People may feel surprised to know that polar bears are classified as marine mammals because_______?

  A.polar bear cannot live in the sea B.polar bear have paws and can walk

  C. polar bear are usually seen on land D.polar bear are rarely pictured by people


  【解析】根据文章第一句话Polar bears are classified as marine mammal...,which might come as a surprise given that they're usually pictured on land.Given在这里表示一种已知条件。通常北极熊都在陆地上被拍到。这样一来,北极熊被列为海洋哺乳动物就很奇怪了。所以选C。

  7. What does the writer mean by saying “no creature with paws is a better swimmer” in the first paragraph?

  A. Polar bears are the beat swimmers in the world

  B. Polar bears swim better than other animals with paws

  C. No other creatures with paws can swim

  D. Creatures with paws can swim better than any fish



  8. The second paragraph is mainly about ______.

  A. the danger the baby polar bear will face

  B. the reason why polar bears are so popular

  C. the cause of the climate change

  D. the effects of warning on polar bears



  9. The underline word “underscores” (Paragraph 3) is the closest in meaning to ______ .

  A.emphasizes B. denies C.understands D. accepts


  【解析】underscore, 在……处划下划线,意表强调,选A:emphasize; deny否认拒绝; understand理解; accept接受。

  10.What did the research use to track the movement of 52 female polar bears?

  A.GPS B. Airplanes C. Radio collars D. Maps of shifting sea ice


  【解析】根据最后一段第二行using radio collars that could track the movements of the animals可知,选C:Radio collars。


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