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- A group of _________ are talking with two ____________.
A. Frenchmen, Germans
B. Germans, Frenchmans
C. Frenchmans, Germen
D. Germen, Frenchmen
【答案】A。Frenchman 是复合词,其复数形式为Frenchmen;German的复数为直接在单词末尾+s。因此A为正确答案。
- If you go by _________ train, you can have quite a comfortable journey, but make sure you get __________ fast one.
A. 不填,不填
B. 不填, a
C. the, a
D.不填, the
【答案】B。解析:by train 乘火车, by 在接交通工具类的时候,一般不接冠词,如by bike , by ship ; 根据句意第二个空应该是泛指。因此B为正确答案。