
2022-02-24 10:43:14 来源:中公专升本


16. It does not alter the fact that he was the man ________ for the death of the little girl.

A. according      B. guilty      C. responsible      D. obliged



【解析】考查固定搭配。句意:这并不能改变事实,他就是那个要对小姑娘的死亡负责的人。responsible for... 为……负责;according to 根据,依据;guilty of 犯(某种罪或过失);be obliged to 对……很感激。


17. She tries her best to __________ the changes in fashion.

A. keep up with      B. put off      C. come up with      D. go by



【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意:她竭尽所能紧跟潮流变迁。keep up with:赶上;put off:推迟;come up with:提出,如come up with a good plan:提出一个好方案;go by:遵照或依据某事物,如Don’t go by that old map别参照那张旧地图。


18. If you try to learn too many things at a time, you may get __________.

A. troubled      B. mistaken      C. confused      D. interfered



【解析】考查动词辨析。句意:如果你一次学太多东西,你也许会感到困惑。trouble:使烦恼;mistake:弄错,常用于短语mistake ... for ...(把……误当成)中;confuse:使困惑;interfere:干涉,干预,常用于短语 interfere with(妨碍)中,如 The noise interfered with his work.噪音干扰了他的工作。


19. We can __________ with people in most parts of the world by telephone.

A. communicate      B. tell      C. relate      D. connect



【解析】本题动词辨析。句意:我们可以使用手机和世上大多数人沟通。communicate:交流,常与with连用;tell:告诉;relate:叙述,如relate a story(讲述一个故事);connect:连接。


20. The book tells us about the author’s life __________ about his writings.

A. also      B. as much as      C. as well as      D. as well



【解析】本题考查表示并列的连接词。句意:这本书告诉我们作者的生平和她的作品。as well as可以连接两个并列成分(强调前者),其他选项均不可。D项 as well与答案项接近,容易混淆,其含义为“也”,相当于also,一般位于句末。



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