
2019-11-18 11:07:40 来源:甘肃中公教育

41.◎discount n. 折扣 discount price at a discount 以折扣价

42.● discourage 使气馁 discourage sb from doing sth

discouraged discouraging discouragement

43.discover v. / discovery n. make a discovery

44.discuss v. discuss sth with sb

discussion n. under discussion have/ hold a


45.dish n.盘子,餐具 I’ll do the dishes. 我来洗碗。

46.◎dislike v. 不喜欢,厌恶

1) dislike doing 2) dislike it + 从句

47. ◎dismiss v.

1) 拒绝考虑 dismiss sth as

He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as



2)解雇 dismiss sb for sth dismiss sb. from the


3) 打发走,解散

The teacher will dismiss the class early today

because of the snow .

48.distance n. 距离 distant adj. 远的

in the distance 在远处

at a distance of 数字 隔….距离

49.distinction n. 区别,差别;卓越,优秀

1)make/draw a distinction 区别对待

2)the distinction between A and B

3) of great distinction 卓越的

4)have the distinction of doing sth 有荣誉殊荣做某事

50. distinguish v.区别,辨别

distinguish between A and B =distinguishA from B


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