
2019-11-12 17:38:36 来源:甘肃中公教育

81.题里有 lest,后面空格里往往选原形动词,如果选项里有的原形

动词的话;如果选项里没有原形动词,那就选 should 加上原形动


82.regret 或 regretted 后面是空格,如果选项里有 to say,to tell

或 to inform,那么就选它;如果没有这三个,那么就先带-ing 的

可能性大,而且通常不选前面带 having 的那个,如果是否定式,

就选前面带 not 的-ing 那个。

83.选项有 in vain 的,选他的可能性大。

84.选项里有 come across,选它的可能性大。

85.题目是"....busy____.....",空格处选项带-ing 的那个。

86.选项里有既有 this,又有 that,还有 it,选 it 的可能性大,如

果空格前有 than,则很可能选 that。

87.题目为”....appreciate____if....“,选项中有 it,就选 it

(1.I'll appreciate it if you... 2.I'll be much appreciate

to you if you.. 3.I'll be much obliged to you for... 4.I'll

be grateful to...for...)

88.题目为“Why is it_____”,选项中有 that,往往选它,这里的

Why 还可以是 Who.What.When,Where 和 How,is 也可以 was.【例 1】

Why is is that the more connected we get.the more

disconnected I feel?【例 2】When I try to understand what

it is that prevents so many Americans from being so happy

as one might expect.it seems to me that there are two cause,

89.选项里有 involve 这个词(包括它的各种形式),选它的可能性

大,【例 1】A lot of workers have got involved in the strike.

【例 2】Most laboratory and field studies of human behavior

involve taking a situational photograph at a given time and

in given place.【例 3】Putting in a new window will involve

cutting away part of the roof. A)include B)involve C)contain


90.题目有 congratulate 这个词,后面的空格处选项有 on 的,往往

选 on,【例】The workmates congratulated her on her promotion

to the position of the general manager.


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