
2019-08-07 15:23:36 来源:中公专升本





  1. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。

  2. 本卷40小题,共95分。

  Part I. Grammar and Vocabulary (20 points)

  Directions: There are 10 sentences, each with a blank. Under each sentence, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the sentence and the choices carefully and then choose the one that best completes the sentence.

  1._____ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

  A. It B. As C. That D. What



  2.Don’t let the child play with knives ______ he cuts himself.

  A. in case B. so that C. now that D. only if


  【解析】考核短语辨析。句意:不要让孩子玩菜刀,以防万一割伤自己。in case 万一、假使;so that 所以,以至于; now that 现在;only if 只要...就。故选A。

  3.She _____ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.

  A. turned down B. dealt with C. took after D. came across


  【解析】考核短语辨析。句意:昨天她在百货商场购物时候偶遇了她的一位老友。turn down 拒绝,deal with 处理,take after 照顾,come across 偶遇。故选D。

  4.______not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.

  A. It were B. Were it C. It was D. Was it


  【解析】考核虚拟条件句的倒装。句意:要不是得到老师的支持,那个学生不可能克服困难。正常语序为:If weren’t for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty. 省略了if,需使用部分倒装,即: Were it not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty。故选B。

  5.________ you join us in the vocabulary game?

  A. Should B. Shall C. May D. Will


  【解析】考核情态动词的辨析。句意:你将加入我们的词汇游戏吗?Should 应该 Shall 将,用于第一人称I 、we May 可能,可以 Will 将,用于一二三人称。故选D。

  6.According to a recent U.S.survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week _____ TV.

  A. to watch B. to watching C. watching D. watch


  【解析】考核固定搭配。句意:据最新一项美国的调查,孩子一周花在看电视上的时间高达25小时。Spend some time (in)doing sth.花费时间做某事。故选C。

  7.English is my favorite subject,and I am good ______ it.

  A. for B. at C. to D. of


  【解析】考核固定搭配。句意:英语是我最喜欢的学科,并且我擅长英语。be good at...擅长于...故选B。

  8.Which do you enjoy ______ your holiday, going abroad or staying at home?

  A. to spend B. spending C. being spent D. spend


  【解析】考核目的状语。句意:你喜欢哪种度假的方式?出国还是待在家?此题极易受enjoy后接动词-ing形式的干扰,从而错选A或C。其实,enjoy的宾语是which,即在going abroad与staying at home作出选择;to spend your holiday是作目的状语的。故选A。

  9.I took _______ for granted that he would believe in us.

  A. that B. the thing C. it D. this



  10.--Would you like another piece of cake?

  --_____ .

  A. Yes, thanks B. No, please C. Yes, please D. Yes, if you like



  情景中,如果你要表示接受用Yes, please;不接受则用No, thanks。故选C。

  Part II. Cloze (30 points)

  Directions: There are 15 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the passage carefully and choose the one that fits right into the passage.

  I used to be ashamed of my grandma. I know that's a __11__ thing to say, but it was true until today, so I have to __12__ it.

  The __13__ started when my friend Katy found Grandma's false teeth floating in a glass on the bathroom sink. I was so used to seeing them that I__14__ took notice of them. But Katy shouted, laughing and __15__to talk to them. I had to get down on my knees and __16__ her to shut up so my Grandma wouldn't __17__ and get hurt.

  After that happened, I __18__ there were a million things about Grandma that were embarrassing(令人窘迫的).

  Once she took Jill and me out to Burger King.__19__ ordering our hamburgers well-done, she told the person behind the counter, "They'll have two Whoppers (巨无霸) well-to-do." Jill burst out laughing, but I almost _20___.

  After a while, I started wishing I could hide Grandma in a closet. I even complained to my parents. Both my parents said I had to be careful not to make Grandma feel unwelcome in our home.

  Then last Wednesday, something happened that changed everything completely. My teacher told us to help find interesting old people and __21__ them about their __22__for a big Oral History project. I was trying to think of someone when Angie pushed me gently.

  “Volunteer your grandmother,” she whispered. “She’s __23__and rich in experience.”

  That was the last thing I ever thought Angie would say about my grandma.

  This is how I ended up on__24__ today interviewing my own grandmother before the whole school assembly (集合). All my friends and teachers were listening to her __25__ she was a great heroine. I was proud of my grandma and hoped she would never know that I had been ashamed of her.

  11. A. funny B. common C. terrible D. clear

  12. A. admit B. receive C. refuse D. show

  13. A. quarrel B. accident C. trouble D. adventure

  14. A. already B. always C. simply D. hardly

  15. A. enjoying B. pretending C. imagining D. continuing

  16. A. warn B. demand C. advise D. beg

  17. A. mind B. hear C. see D. fall

  18. A. expected B. declared C. realized D. doubted

  19. A. Because of B. Except for C. Such as D. Instead of

  20. A. died B. cheered C. disappeared D. suffered

  21. A. interview B. report C. tell D. write

  22. A. news B. lives C. advantages D. achievements

  23. A. free B. popular C. interesting D. embarrassing

  24. A. show B. stage C. duty D. time

  25. A. and then B. even if C. so that D. as if


  【解析】考核形容词及语境的理解。句意:我知道这是一件糟糕的事情。A 有趣的 B 普通的 C 糟糕的 D 清晰的。故选C。


  【解析】考核动词及语境的理解。句意:所以我不得不接受这件事。A 接受 B 收到 C 拒绝 D 展示。故选A。


  【解析】考核名词及语境的理解。句意:当我的朋友凯蒂发现奶奶的假牙漂浮在浴室水池的玻璃上时,问题出现了。A 争吵 B 事故 C 问题 D 冒险。故选C。


  【解析】考核副词及语境的理解。句意:我是如此习惯看到他们,以至于我没注意到他们。A 已经 B 经常 C 简单地 D 几乎不。故选D。


  【解析】考核动词及上下文的理解。句意:但是凯蒂大叫着,笑着假装要和他们说话。A 享受 B 假装 C 想象 D 继续。故选B。


  【解析】考核动词及语境的理解。句意:我不得不跪下来请求她闭嘴。A 警告 B 需要 C建议 D 乞求。故选D。


  【解析】考核动词及语境的理解。句意:这样我的奶奶就不会听到而受伤了。A 介意 B 听到 C 看见 D 落下。


  【解析】考核动词及语境的理解。句意:这件事发生后,我意识到有很多事情令奶奶尴尬。A 期待 B 宣布 C 意识到 D 怀疑。故选C。


  【解析】考核连词及语境理解。句意:她没有点我们做得很好的汉堡包,而是对柜台后面的人说:“他们要两个大汉堡。”A 因为 B 除...之外 C 比如 D 而不是。故选D。


  【解析】考核动词及语境理解。句意:吉尔突然大笑起来,但我几乎窒息。A 死亡 B 鼓舞 C 消失 D 遭受。故选A。


  【解析】考核动词及语境理解。句意:我的老师告诉我们帮助寻找有趣的老人,并采访他们关于他们的生活。A 采访 B 报道 C 告诉 D 书写。故选A。


  【解析】考核名词及语境理解。句意:采访关于他们的生活。A 消息 B 生活 C 优势 D 成就。


  【解析】考核形容词及语境理解。句意:她很有趣,而且经验丰富。A 自由的 B 流行的 C 有趣的 D 尴尬的。


  【解析】考核名词词及语境理解。句意:这就是我今天在全校师生面前采访我祖母的方式。A 展示,表演 B 舞台 C 职责 D 时间。故选B。


  【解析】考核连词及语境理解。句意:我所有的朋友和老师都在听她说话,好像她是一个伟大的女英雄。A 然后 B 即使 C 所以,以便 D 好像。故选D。

  Part III. Reading Comprehension (45 points)

  Section One: There are two passages in this part. Each passage is followed by a number of questions for comprehension. For each question there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

  Passage One

  Some people have it easy. When their kids ask them what they do at work, they can give a simple, direct answer :“I put out fires” or “I fix sick people” or “I teach primary school”. As a theoretical (理论的) physicist, I never had this luck. Society has come to expect many things from the physicist. I used to be that we only had to discover the basic laws of the world and supply the techniques that would power the next Silicon Valley. With these expectations we were fairly comfortable: they are the sorts of things we think we know how to do. What makes us uncomfortable and what makes it hard for us to tell our kids what we’re up to is that in this century we have become, though unwillingly, gurus on questions such as“What is the nature of reality(现实)?”

  We now deal with a whole new class of problems. We ask how the world began and what is the nature of matter. The answers we are coming up with are just not easy to comprehend for the average person.

  So when physicist get out of their cans in the morning, have a cup of coffee and sit down in front of their computers, they leave a familiar world and enter a place where things act in strange ways that are impossible for ordinary people to understand.

  26. According to the passage, in a way physicists are ______.

  A. intelligent B. comfortable

  C. strange D. unlucky


  【解析】事实细节题。回文定位到第一段,“As a theoretical physicist, I never had this luck”作为一个理论物理学家,我从不幸运。故选D

  27. Judging from the context, the underlined word “guru” in the first paragraph most probably means a person______.

  A. who acts as a teacher and answers big question

  B. who gives wrong answers to big questions.

  C. who does like to answer to big questions.

  D. who is eager to supply answers to big questions.



  28. Which of the following is true according to what the author says about physicists?

  A.Physicists do not like their job.

  B. Physicists live in two different worlds.

  C. Physicists are coming up with new answers to old questions.

  D. Physicists don't have to tell people what they are doing.


  【解析】事实细节题。A 物理学家不喜欢工作,无中生有,原文未提及。B 物理学家生活在两个世界中,回文定位到最后一段,当物理学家坐在电脑前,他们离开了一个熟悉的世界,进入了一个地方,那里的事物以一种常人无法理解的奇怪方式运作。C 物理学家就老问题给出新答案,曲解文意。D 物理学家没有告诉人们他们正在做什么,定位至第一段可知,与原文意思相反。故选B

  29. Which of the following statements is true?

  A. Theoretical physicists only have to answer the basic questions about the world.

  B. Theoretical physicists contributed to the new industry in Silicon Valley.

  C. Theoretical physicists have disappointed the expectations of many people.

  D. Theoretical physicists have found it hard to make friends with ordinary people.


  【解析】推理判断题。定位至第一段中间,物理学家发现规律并为硅谷提供技术支持,故A错,B正确。C D选项无中生有。

  30. Which of the following is true about the job of physicists?

  A. It is getting more and more difficult.

  B. It is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

  C. A person with average intelligence can not do it.

  D. Both A and B.



  Passage Two

  Many people are frightened by spiders. They are especially afraid of large, hairy ones. The largest and most frightening of all spiders is the bird eating spider, which lives in the hot, thick rain forests of northern South America.

  Bird-eating spiders are a type of tarantula(狼蛛). They are very hairy. Some of these giant can spread eighteen centimeters (seven inches) with their legs. Tarantulas are not, as most people think, poisonous spiders. They can bite, and the bite is painful but it will not kill a grown-up.The poisonous bite of a black widow spider is far more dangerous.

  Bird-eating spiders often hide in holes and under rocks during the day, but at night they creep out and hunt for insects. As you might guess from their name, they also catch birds and eat them.

  They have another unusual ability. They can walk up window panes (窗玻璃) because of sticky, silky hairs on their feet that cling to glass.

  31. The bird-eating spider can be described as ______.

  A. a very hairy spider

  B.a very frightening spider

  C. the largest of spiders

  D. All of the above



  32. This spider lives where the climate is ______.

  A. wet and hot B. cool and dry

  C. hot and dry. D. cool and wet



  33. The article says that the bird-eating spider is a kind of.______.

  A. large crab B. tarantula

  C. black widow spider D. All of the above



  34. Compared with the bite of a black widow spider, the bite of a tarantula is ______.

  A. more dangerous B. less dangerous

  C. just as dangerous D. none of the above



  35. Which of the following is implied but not stated?

  A The bird-eating spider is unable to climb well

  B. The bird-eating spider likes to stay in trees

  C. The bird-eating spider can be found in many parts of the world

  D. One can hardly see a bird-eating spider during the day


  【解析】推理判断题。A 食鸟蛛不擅攀爬,定位至最后一段,故A错误。B 食鸟蛛喜欢居住树上,定位至第三段,食鸟蛛藏白天在洞穴里或者岩石下,夜里觅食,故B错误,D正确。C 食鸟蛛在世界各地均可见,定位至第一段,它们生活在南美洲北部炎热茂密的雨林中,故C错误。

  Section Two: Read the following passage and choose the most suitable sentence from A-G for each blank. There are two extra sentences which you do not need.

  Passage Three

  A.Attitude Is Everything.

  B.Bring Organization into Your Home.

  C.Here are several ways to choose a location.

  D.Building a Good Home Learning Environment.

  E.Hold a can-do attitude and your child will follow your example.

  F.Setting up a space in a common area of your home can be a good idea for children.

  G.A child who learns to organize his spare will carry organization into every corner of his life.


  Home can be a great place for children to study. It’s important to provide a workspace of their own where they can read books or just write a letter to their friends.


  37 . Kitchen and dining room are not so well suited for regular study, since books and pens get in the way of the day-to-day uses of those areas. Set up a place where a child can settle in and leave papers and pens at band without having to clear everything away each night. For a child that likes being alone, set aside a corner of his bedroom, but keep it separate from things like games, music and other hobbies not related to studying.

  ●Keeping Things in Order

  Parents should encourage their child to spread out, but to leave it neat and orderly when he isn’t using his workspace. Ownership is very important for self-respect 38 . The workplace should be personal, but not another part of the playroom.

  ●. 39

  Encourage the whole family to help build a supportive environment that children need for success in school. Give them a good example of how to deal with problems, how to manage time and get things done in the right way. 40 . Study will be more enjoyable and effective when supported by the whole family.












  大学英语 模拟卷一



  1. 用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。

  2. 本卷11小题,共55分。

  Part IV. English-Chinese Translation (15 points)

  Directions: Read the following passage and then translate the five underlined sentences into Chinese.

  What are magic words? Words like "thank you”, “please” and “sorry” can work wonders in our daily life. These polite expressions are used every day in America—among strangers, between friends or with family. (41)People with good manners always communicate with others well by using these magic words.

  What should you do when you receive a gift for your birthday? (42)You'd better sit down and write a letter of thanks. (43)The words “thank you” are very important and used very often. We say them when someone hands us a letter, passes us a book, offers us a drink, or lends us an umbrella.

  "Please" is another important word, but many people forget to use it. It is not polite to ask someone for without saying "please”.(44) We are supposed to use it when we ask for something too. It may be a book, a pen, or more milk. It may be in the classroom, at home, or at the bus stop. We can use “please”to make a request (请求)pleasant.

  We also should learn to say “sorry”. (45) If we have hurt someone's feeling, we have to say “sorry”. When we have told a lie and regret it, the same word should be used. Sometimes we have forgotten something or broken a promise, so we need to explain with the word as a beginning, "Sorry" is such a word that can make people forget wrongs.

  "Thank you! Please! Sorry!"—these words are simple but useful. Man said them long ago. We use them now. So will our kids.

  41. _______________________________________________________________________

  42. _______________________________________________________________________

  43. _______________________________________________________________________

  44. _______________________________________________________________________

  45. _______________________________________________________________________


  【解析】句考核状语的翻译。With good manners做伴随状语,by using these magic words 做方式状语。


  【解析】句考核had better do的翻译。翻译成:最好做某事







  Part V. Chinese-English Translation (15 points)

  Directions: Translate the following sentences into English with the help of the English word or phrases provided.

  46. 只要明天天气好,我们就和同学一起去游泳。

  【答案】As long as it is fine tomorrow,we will go swimming with our classmates.

  【解析】本句考核条件状语从句,采用“主将从现”。只要译为:as long as

  47. 有这么多人的关心,在国外的最初几个月里,她感到非常幸福。

  【答案】With so many people caring about her,she felt very happy in the first few months abroad.


  48. 新图书馆比以前的大两倍。(或者译为“新图书馆是以前的三倍大”。)

  【答案】The new library is twice as large as the old one.


  A is three/four times the size/height/length of B

  A is three/four times as big/high/long as B

  A is three/four times bigger/higher/longer than B

  49. 这张照片让我想起了在上海度过的快乐时光。

  【答案】This photo reminds me of the happy time (that)I spent in Shanghai

  【解析】本句考核定语从句的翻译。先行词为:time,定语从句为“I spent in Shanghai


  50. 地震中,许多房屋受损严重,成千上万的人无家可归。

  【答案】A lot of houses were seriously damaged in the earthquake,so that thousands of people were left homeless.

  【解析】本句考核被动语态和结果状语的英译,房屋被破坏应使用被动语态,结果状语用so that 引导。

  Part VI. Writing(25 points)

  Directions: You are supposed to write a composition on the topic “University Student’s Innovative Undertaking”. You should write no less than 100 words in three paragraphs and you should base your composition on the outline given below in Chinese.

  1. 在校大学生创业有助于增加学生的社会实践经验;

  2. 在校大学生的主业是学习,创业会耽误正常的学习;

  3. 你的看法。


  University Student’s Innovative Undertaking

  Now many university students try to set up their own businesses during their college time. Some students start up a hi-tech company, some deal in trading business, while others are busy doing some part-time jobs.

  To such phenomena, different people have different opinions. Some people think students can reap a lot benefits from the innovative undertaking, because students can get a lot of experience that is useful. However there are people who hold a different point. In their opinion, students’ job is to study hard, innovative undertaking may take up a lot of time, which has a bad effect on their study.

  As I understand, innovative undertaking is good for us, but we should not give up our study at the same time. After all, we can amount to nothing in the business world without the help of knowledge.


  • 上一篇:天津普通高等学校在校生专升本招生考试大学语文
  • 下一篇:2019年天津市高等院校“高职升本科”招生统一考试